Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dates to Diarise

Just an update on what is coming up over the next few weeks leading up to the Auckland Inter- District Tournament.

Sunday 27 November - 2 teams travel to Lloyd Elsmore Park to play Manukau District. Both games will be on grass. 10am start - arrive no later than 09:00. As always bring alternate footwear in case of pitches being changed to artificial due to rain. The teams for this game will be posted on Tuesday.

Sunday 4 December - all 4 teams to play. This is the final selection so it is important you are there. Venue to be advised.

For all Games - arrive in warm-up gear and change into your whites there.

Some of you will only get to play on 4 December because we only had one team go to Northland. Do not worry. If you are not playing this weekend you will be on the reserve list in case of injuries or illness.
Capping is booked at the Takapuna Rugby Clubrooms. Monday 5th December- U18 and Y9/10.

Dress code for this is in your whites.

Clothing will be on sale from 6pm. Helpers would be greatly received.

Cash and Cheques only.

Bar will be open and we should encourage a beer or two, to make it worth while for the Rugby Club to have us.

Tournament dates again are as follows.

13, 14, 15, 16 December & 19, 21, 21 December at Waikaraka Park, Onehunga.
An Auckland U 18 and U 16 team will be chosen from this tournament to play an inter provincial tournament in January.

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