Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sunday December 1 games at Birkenhead and Onewa

Sorry for the delay – we have a number of people unavailable this weekend due to Leadership courses, Auckland games etc so it’s been a struggle.  Therefore the teams are a little more mixed up than they would otherwise be. 
KEEPERS: Neither the Black A nor the Dev sides have keepers that I know of. Please put your hand up if you have kept, and could do so for even half a game. We have two keepers away this weekend.
Update: Thanks Patrick Nicholls for the Dev side.

Teams are not necessarily listed in batting order. Coaches have some refining to do and conversations to be had with the boys. 

If I have left your name off, please let me know and don’t take it personally. It’s called exhaustion.

COACH ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TOURNAMENT: The new A coach replacing Gareth Jacobs at the tournament will be Paul Strang. Paul is currently at the World Cup qualifying matches coaching PNG but will try to get to the A game at some stage on Sunday.

Playing at Birkenhead. Be there 9.45 for a 10.30 start. 50 overs on grass
Tom Hewitt
Jack Dromgool
Ullrich Boshoff   c
Stefan Baumgartner
Isaac Snell
Liam Stuart
Zac White   wk
Andrew Scott
Luke Steyn
Sam Olufson
Dylan Budler
Coach Neil Fletcher

Ethan Lovich
Jeremy Houghton 
Patrick Thomson
Nic Montgomery  c
Sam Logan
Hayden Sim
Nathan Banks
Eli Meenhorst
Jono Mannes
Dhilesh Vasan
Angus Frew
Coach: Coel Mahoney
There are not enough players available this weekend for a second intersquad.
The Shadow Dev will play a mixed Under 16 side at ONEWA DOMAIN (not Onepoto like I may have said earlier)  

Playing at Onewa Domain Be there 9.45 for a 10.30 start. 50 overs on grass.
Felix Dewe
Kieran Seedall
Patrick Nicholls wk
Connor Bessell
Jayson Jooste
Reshlen Chetty
Bjoern Wojt
Ryan Lowans
Scott Martin
Jordan Shoston Burnett
Nathan Fouhy c
Coach: Fraser Bowden
Manager: Michael Martin

Jackson Tredray
Wesley Healiss
Clayton Floyd
Ross Ter Braak
Chris Groenink
Cole Briggs
Tayne Pride
Daniel Robinson
James Nicholson
Michael Coetzer
Josh Young
Josh Lewis

Mitchell Atkins
Brett Bakkerus
Tom MacFarlaineMatt Sawell   

Denise Montgomery
North Harbour Under 18 cricket convenor
Phone 027 224 0181
North Harbour Under 18 Facebook group click here

Monday, November 25, 2013

Quick note re upcoming events

This Sunday December 1 is the final trial game for North Harbour Under 18s. We will be selecting two Shadow A sides and two Shadow Development sides who will play each other. These teams will be named on Thursday. This fixture is compulsory unless you have a very good reason not to attend.

The following players are not available, but would otherwise be in a side: Jackson Tredray; Clayton Floyd; Cole Briggs; Wesley Healiss; Ross Ter Braak; Chris Groenink.
Four of these players have Auckland cricket commitments (don’t ask why Auckland is doing this at this time of the year as I have no idea); and both Jackson and Wesley have been excused for good reasons.

As there are still a number of A spots up for grabs please do not ASSUME that you will end up in either grade just because you play in it this weekend. Some A grade players have not yet performed in the trials or at school/club. Likewise some Development players from last year have performed strongly so this is your chance to cement a position in whatever team you are aiming for with a big performance. One comment from the weekend is that we need to run  more quick singles and look to push for 2. Ie communicate strongly with each other.
There is a big jump from Under 16s to Under 18s in terms of physicality and experience. We need to be sure to pick sides that can compete to win their respective grades, and also give the boys a good opportunity to be seen by the Auckland cricket selectors. Of course this isn’t everyone’s reason for playing. A lot of boys just want to have one last match with boys their own age and that’s fine too, but we will be trying to win both divisions.  Even if players aren’t ultimately selected for Auckland, playing a higher level of cricket is good experience for moving into the club scene. And if you need any advice about that, we can help you with that too.

Anyway, enough rambling, I’m sounding like Michael Martin. ;-)

Date Sunday December 1
What Intersquad matches
Where Shadow A at Birkenhead City Cricket Club on grass (Mahara Ave)
Shadow Dev at Onepoto on grass (bottom of Onewa Road), off Sylvan.
Time 9.45 for a 10.30 start
Wear NH warm up gear if you have it, bring cricket whites and spikes, and normal cricket shoes
Two intersquad matches
Monday morning Dec 2
Final tournament squads announced for each grade announced via blog, email, facebook
Actual teams will be named at capping.

Tuesday December 3 capping
With special guest speaker
Venue: Takapuna Rugby Club.
Capping ceremony 7pm. Please do not be late. (Clothing sales from 6pm – is anyone available to help Sue Woods with this please? Email her
Tournament fee is due on capping night. This is $135. Cash or cheque please made out to North Harbour Junior Cricket.
This covers the cost of coaches, photo, entry.

All boys to wear whites; they will change into their new Harbour white playing shirts  when they purchase them, before capping (if they don't already have them) There will be a photo opportunity for parents after each team is capped. North Harbour gear needs to be purchased before playing. I will get hold of a price list shortly. If you are selected will need to buy the warm up gear and a shirt. They are reasonably priced. You will be given a cap.

Monday December 9
One A side and one Dev side to play Western at Devonport. Details TBC

Note: The replacement A coach has been found (for Gareth’s role). He will be named in  the email on Thursday.

Thanks: To everyone who hiked down to Hamilton and Cambridge. Again we won one, lost one and unfortunately the Hamilton game didn’t see all the bowlers get a good go as the target was achieved by the opposition quickly.
Hamilton side (Coel Mahoney)
Batting first we were all out for 129. (Jeremy Houghton 37, Michael Coetzer 21)
In reply Hamilton 130/1 Best bowling figures were Andrew Scott, 5 overs 0/17
Bjoern Wojt 4 overs 1/18
Michael Coetzer 4 overs 0/12

Cambridge side (Neil Fletcher)
Bowling first we restricted Cambridge to 156
Chris Groenink 8 overs 4/17
Ross Ter Braak 7 overs 2/23
Sam Olufson 5 overs 2/21
Josh Lewis 5.4 overs 1/21
Nathan Banks 4 overs 0/17

Batting  157/8 (got there in the 50th over)
Tom Hewitt 35
Ross Ter Braak 33
Ullrich Boshoff 35

Thanks to the SCORERS! Love your work. Tidy books too. Your reward? You might get to do it again some time. 
North Harbour Under 18 Facebook group click here

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cambridge and Hamilton Sunday November 24

Sunday morning update: All good to go. 26 degrees expected in Hamilton and Cambridge. Sunny skies. Sunblock! Water! Good luck everyone. 

Hi all, here are the teams for this Sunday November 24. I will send each team separate emails on venues etc and will update this blog shortly with info for both games. This will be duplicated via email and on the Facebook page.

But you should plan to be at your venue at 9.45am for a 10.30am start. 50 overs.(Cambridge will have a longer travelling time than Hamilton.)

Each team must provide a scorer. This can either be on an ipad (if anyone has one) via Cric HQ (I can load it up for you beforehand between now and Saturday if you aren’t sure how) or in a traditional scorebook. If there are no parents available to do this, then I will assign the task to one of the boys. There are 12 in each team so there will always be one free for 5 overs. Volunteers please.
We also need people available to umpire, taking turns to make it easier. Can each team please advise who in their side has umpired and who is going to the game.  Obviously you shouldn’t umpire if your son is batting. And if they are bowling you should swap with square leg. Volunteers please.

Note: These teams are not A teams or development teams or anything. Make no assumptions. Read nothing into them. They are just balanced teams taking into account the need for coaches to see more of players they haven’t seen, mixing fast and spin bowlers etc The batting order is roughly accurate but MAY CHANGE on the day (particularly below 6) to ensure people are given ample opportunity where possible.

Please take whatever chance you are given to stake your claim for a spot. There is only one more game to show your wares, and that’s the intersquad matches on December 1.

I am not planning to attend these games but you will have all you need to know sent to you by Friday. As for the weather, current forecast is for showers. Let’s hope it’s wrong.  
We need to co-ordinate transport for some players and the coaches. Anyone who can give anyone else a lift please let me know. 
Good luck to captains Ullrich Boshoff and Jackson Tredray.

CAMBRIDGE TEAM to play at Victoria Square, Cambridge (78 Victoria St)

Liam Stuart
Tom Hewitt
Clayton Floyd  injured, out
Tom MacFarlaine
Nathan Banks
Ullrich Boshoff  c
Sam Olufson
Jordon Shoston Burnett  out
Ross Ter Braak
Cole Briggs   wk
Chris Groenink
Josh Lewis
Coach: Neil Fletcher

To play at Jansen Park, Morris Road, Hillcrest, Hamilton
Jeremy Houghton
Dan Robinson
Jackson Tredray  c
Luke Steyn
Stefan Baumgartner
Zac White  wk
Sam Logan
Michael Coetzer
Bjoern Wojt
Hayden Sim
Andrew Scott
Ryan Lowans  - ride needed
Coach: Coel Mahoney

Denise Montgomery
North Harbour Under 18 cricket convenor
Phone 027 224 0181
North Harbour Under 18 Facebook group click here