Sunday, November 17, 2013

Availability for Nov 24 - please confirm

These away games takes a lot of organisation in balancing sides, transport, coaches, managers etc so I need to confirm your November 24 availability: ( need to know Sunday Nov 17, by 4pm.) Email best but Facebook fine too.

The two games on November 24are in Cambridge and Hamilton.
People who said yes a few weeks ago but haven't reconfirmed are Angus Frew; Ethan Lovich; Michael Coetzer; Nathan Banks; Ryan Lowans; Stefan Baumgartner
Confirmed as available (teams still to be named)
Andrew Scott
Bjoern Wojt
Chris Groenink  fast bowler - auckland
Cole Briggs (Keeper) – Auckland
Hayden Sim
Jackson Tredray
Jordon Shoston Burnett
Luke Steyn
Ross Ter Braak 
Sam Logan
Sam Olufson
Tom Hewitt
Ullrich Boshoff
Zac White
Liam Stuart
Tom McFarlaine
Jeremy Houghton
Clayton Floyd
Nathan Banks

Denise Montgomery

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